Setting yourself up to learn how to code when you have no clue what to do next.

What I'd suggest to be done next

Setting yourself up to learn how to code when you have no clue what to do next.

(Photo by Mike from Pexels) How to take notes while learning how to code & at the same time, keep your daily progress and update your Github folder.

Make a Github account. (if you don't know how, Google it)

Make a folder/Repo in it. Name it something like "PrivateRepo"

Make this repo private (IMPORTANT as you don't want everyone to read your personal notes. (Again, if you don't' know how, google it, google will be your best friend as a developer)

Create 3 files and a folder under the first one called "Best Practices", on your github, in a private folder

It should look like this:

/PrivateREPO/BestPractices/ /PrivateREPO/ /PrivateREPO/ /PrivateREPO/

  1. File 1 - Your WHY file: Why you feel that you want to learn how to code. Write a 500 word essay on why you want to learn to code, and what you think will be possible. What is pushing you so hard to do this. Having this makes your life easier for later, for when you are writing all those job essays and cover letters & needing a 30 second elevator pitch.

  2. File2 - Your Successes File - A file for what you learned, so you can look back and each thing you learned and realize that you have learned a lot over steady learning.

  3. File3 -Your Daily notes file on what you learned that day - This is for looking back and what you have learned since you started.

It can be as simple as "I read a article on Arrays, but didn't really get it, think I will do extra time at the end of the week on the topic" to "I watched CS50 week 5" to "I went to my first Meetup" Sometimes you will be updating #2 and #3 with the same information.

  1. Your folder of Best Practices files that you make of each Language, platform and framework you learn about.
    An example Language file for Javascript


What I have in my Best Practice file?

-Make an index of areas that I the file:

-Common things that are similar to other languages you know. -How to comment in this language -Conditionals -Arrays -Strings -Data objects -Methods Example code:

This file can get extremely long, but remember it's everything that you want to learn. As you add to the file, reorganize it and reread it. As you keep adding to it, you will learn the things in it. Make a day to spend a half hour or so reviewing your notes each week.