The cheapest and quickest way that I tell others on how to learn how to code.

ie: what I would do if I was going to teach a friend how to code.

The cheapest and quickest way that I tell others on how to learn how to code.

(Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels)

I am a firm believer of keeping things simple. All it takes is time and to think about what you are doing in order to learn how to code.

The most solid learning that I got when I was learning how to code was:

  1. Go to the W3Schools website for Javascript (Or whatever language you want to learn),
  2. then going thru the whole text based site on how it works and taking notes.
  3. Creating flashcards for all of the methods for Strings and Arrays.

All it costs you is the cost of flashcards. Maybe a dollar max at the high end.

Then drill yourself on the cards. Memorize them. Make up songs so you can have this information down cold. This might take a week or so if you are taking your time.Pick up the cards, go thru them two or three times a day for 10 minutes.

Here is a sample card that I would make:

On one side of the card it would say: String.indexOf()

And on the other side I would have: "Returns first occurrence of the sting given, if not, returns -1 and is case sensitive". Optional, you can have an simple example of the method in use.

Do this until at least half of them are memorized. After the next step, it will help you with learning the other half.

Then start doing Algorithms - Codewars (8Kyu) or Leetcode (easy) Rinse & repeat, then when you can do 5 of them in a half hour, go up a difficulty.

And when you get stuck, then you learn how to search with making questions on how to find how to do that Algorithms.

Then start doing Tutorials. But it's key to make it fun.

Don't just sleepwalk thru the tutorial, but think about what you are doing.

Stop it in the middle of a section and think "What would I do next?". When you are done with the tutorial, think of one or two extra features to add to it. And spend the extra 20 minutes doing it.

Learn how to break what you just created. Remove a few things, and see what it would take to get it working again, without looking.

Then you are on track to join something like LearnwithLeon's 100dev's free Developer Bootcamp on twitch and Youtube. Or hit up Freecodecamp and do a few certificates.

But most of all, remember that you can do this.

Don't listen to the inside voice telling you that you are doing it wrong.
Just try it. Bet you will love the puzzle solving skills that you get from this as well.